Effection Logo


Effection can be used in any JavaScript environment including Deno, Node and browsers. Effection packages are side-effect free and do not pollute your environment in any way, making it compatible with most JavaScript runtimes. If you encounter obstacles integrating with your environment, please create a GitHub Issue in the Effection repository.

Node.js & Browser

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Effection is available on NPM, as well as derived registries such as Yarn and UNPKG. It comes with TypeScript types and can be consumed as both ESM and CommonJS.

# install with npm
npm install effection

# install with yarn
yarn add effection


Effection has first class support for Deno because it is developed with Deno. Releases are published to https://deno.land/x/effection. For example, to import the main() function:

import { main } from "https://jsr.io/@effection/effection/doc";

💡 If you're curious how we keep NPM/YARN and Deno packages in-sync, you can checkout the blog post on how publish Deno packages to NPM..

  • NextTypeScript