Reactive Modeling with Ember

Charles Lowell
September 21, 2014

Anyone can build great UI. There is no technology to master, only a way of thinking.
-- Me in ancient Greece, presumably.
The best user interfaces are the ones that need no documentation. They are intuitive, and by the very act of using them, they educate you to as their purpose. They tell you about how to efficiently interact with them to reap the most value. There are, of course, many concerns that go into making such an interface, but foremost amongst the key ingredients is reactivity. That is, the principle that any changes to application state are reflected immediately to the user, visually or otherwise.
There are many great examples of reactive user interfaces out there on the web, but perhaps the most classic is one with which you are already familiar: the mouse. Think about how your mouse works. As you physically manipulate your pointing device, the on-screen position of the pointer glyph is updated in real time to reflect input provided by your hand. When you move your hand the tiniest bit to the left, so does the pointer. When you move to the right again, the pointer moves in kind. The result is a tight feedback loop between your hand and the application state in which a user can directly perceive the precise cause-effect relationship of even the smallest input.
Why Reactive Modeling?
This principle of instant feedback is what makes reactive interfaces like a mouse pointer so low friction because the consequences of any action are immediately understood. This encourages the user to experiment and probe the relationships between the data in your application. They can "play" in order to verify or invalidate hypotheses. What happens if I move person A from this column over into another? What is the consequence of selecting the option provided by this checkbox? All of these workflows are rendered more potent by reactivity.
The great news is that building exciting and effective interfaces is something anybody can do once they famliarize themselves with how to think in terms of reactive UI. In this blog post , I'll demonstrate some very simple, object-oriented techniques you can use to make your application highly reactive. I call it Reactive Modeling.
The ideas behind reactive modeling are universal. After all, they underpin the MVC pattern which is, at this point, older than many Javsascript developers. Reactive modeling can be applied inside whatever runtime environment you happen to find yourself. However, it is my experience that when working on the web, the reactive primitives provided by Ember.js are the most intuitive and expressive to be found in a mainstream framework, and so all of the following examples are written with it.
The Reactive Model
A reactive model is just an object whose properties form a cluster of well-understood relationships, where those relationships are always honored at any given point in time. For example, here's an object named Charles. Charles is happy if and only if he's coding.
var charles = Ember.Object.create({
isCoding: false,
isHappy: Ember.computed.alias 'isCoding'
charles.get('isHappy') //=> false
charles.set('isCoding', true)
charles.get('isHappy') //=> true
charles.set('isHappy', false)
charles.get('isCoding') //=> false
In this case, there's a relationship between his happiness and whether
or not he's coding. If the value of isCoding
becomes true
, then
the value of isHappy
is immediately observed to be true
. By the
same token, if the value of isHappy
is set to false
, then
is immediately observed to be false
. Because of the
explicit relationship between coding and happiness, those properties
need to adjust their values so that the relationship stays true to its
And that's it. That's reactive modeling. It's just an object which always maintains the integrity of the relationships between its properties. It's such a simple idea, but one that yields enormous dividends when building a user interface that provides instant feedback about its current state.
Relating multiple values
Relating boolean values to boolean values like I just did is a simple thing, but in the real world we need to relate many disparate values, all of which can have very different datatypes.
An example with which most of us are familiar is specifying color values. Let's try to build an intuitive (read reactive) color coordinate; one that let us explore the relationship between the perceptual value of a color and its representation inside a computer's memory.
Let's assume we have an immutable Color object that will serve as our primitive value. I can construct this color using rgb values.
var red = Color.fromRGB(255,0,0) //=> #ff0000, very red
var red2 = Color.fromRGB(255,0,0) //=> #ff0000, also very red
red == red2 //=> true, same color, same object
red.r //=> 255
red.g //=> 0
red.b //=> 0
A note on modeling in software
It's important to note here that values of type Color
in these examples
are perceptual only. Metaphysically speaking, they have nothing to do
with their rgb values. Instead, they correspond to values as perceived
by human beings. This can be a source of confusion because we have to
use rgb values to construct them. Sadly, this is unavoidable. Because our
program runs inside a computer and not a human brain, we are forced to
choose a representation that is accesible to a computer. Think of it like the word
. It is a very complex, very human subject, but the word
itself is represented on my laptop by the number
In the case of color it helps me to think of the color values, once they are constructed, as just one more primitive value: unique and immutable.... like an integer!
Once we have this, we can make a reactive model relating the r
, g
, and
integer values to a corresponding Color
value. This model will
have four public properties: the Color
instance itself, as well as
three integer coordinates for red, green and blue. Conceptually, it
looks like this.
Notice the 4 public, bindable properties? The expectation is that any
code can bind a value of type Color
to the coordinate's color
property, and observe the consequences, and, by the same token, bind
any value of type Integer
to the r
, and b
properties and
observe those consequences. Let's see this in action:
//the coordinate has an initial rgb value
var rgb = RGBColor.create({r: 255, g: 0, b:0})
//this implies a color value
rgb.get('color') // => red
// change the r, and the b
rgb.set('r', 0)
rgb.set('b', 255)
// the color changes
rgb.get('color') // => blue
//change the color
rgb.set('color', Color.GREEN)
//the rgb values change in relation
rgb.getProperties('r','g','b') //=> {r: 0, g: 255, b: 0}
You might be thinking at this point, why do we even need a separate
coordinate class at all? Don't we already have everything we need with
the Color
constructor? Doesn't it already relate rgb integer values
to color values? The answer, of course, is reactivity. Integers
and colors are immutable. They are a still life; a single value
observed in a single moment. The reactive model on the other hand, has
inputs and outputs that are allowed to change over time and combine a
series of these still lifes into a moving picture.
A straightforward way to see this is in action is with a little template that displays the color on screen along with its red value.
<h3>{{color-swatch color=rgb.color}} r: {{rgb.r}}</h3>
We can set the r
value repeatedly in an animation loop with the
following little snippet of code:
requestAnimationFrame(function animateRValue(time) {
rgb.set('r', Math.round((time / 20) % 255));
This has the effect of gradually fading in the red color over several seconds.
While this may seem obvious, it's still worth demonstrating that what
we see is nothing more than a sequence of discrete color values that
are reacting to a sequence of discrete r
Animation though, is just a special case of reactivity where one of the values is related to time. What's more common in UI is to relate application values to user input. So instead of relating the r value to time, let's relate it to the user's mouse! We can do this by binding it to the output of an html slider.
{{color-swatch color=rgb.color}} {{x-slider min=0 max=255 value=rgb.r}}
The html slider value takes on an integer value between 0 and 255. As this value changes, it changes the value of "rgb.r" to which it is bound. As the value of "rgb.r" changes, we have already seen that the value of "rgb.color" must change, which is then reflected in our color-swatch. Which is all to say, that our color is now reacting to the movement of our user's hand.
Of course, we can do the same for the green and blue values just by inserting more html sliders for the their values.
{{color-swatch color=rgb.color}}
<div style="display: inline-block;">
r: {{x-slider min=0 max=255 value=rgb.r}} {{rgb.r}}<br/>
g: {{x-slider min=0 max=255 value=rgb.g}} {{rgb.g}}<br/>
b: {{x-slider min=0 max=255 value=rgb.b}} {{rgb.b}}<br/>
We can even attach multiple sliders to the same value, which is silly, but does re-enforce the idea that it doesn't matter where values come from, the reactive model only defines relationships between them.
The model is reactive, the feedback is instantaneous, the experience is intuitive.
Great news everybody! It's easy.
The actual object that drives all these interactions is quite simple:
var RGBColor = Ember.Object.extend({
colorValue: Ember.computed('r', 'g', 'b', function() {
return Color.fromRGB(this.get('r'), this.get('g'), this.get('b'));
colorBinding: Ember.Binding.oneWay('colorValue'),
rBinding: Ember.Binding.oneWay('color.r'),
gBinding: Ember.Binding.oneWay('color.g'),
bBinding: Ember.Binding.oneWay('color.b')
If you're not familiar with Ember conventions (or even if you are),
this may be appear dense at first, so let's unpack it a bit. Remember
the diagram of the RGBColor
that had the four public properties
, r
, g
, b
? Well, here's the same diagram, except we'll
pull back the curtain so that you can see how it's wired up inside.
Our object definition for RGBColor
just draws the same picture in
code. Let's parse it line-by-line.
colorValue: Ember.computed('r', 'g', 'b', function() {
return Color.fromRGB(this.get('r'), this.get('g'), this.get('b'));
This declaration tells how to derive the colorValue
property from
the individual rgb components.
Everything else is just specifying how data flows.
colorBinding: Ember.Binding.oneWay('colorValue')
This binding causes data to flow from the colorValue
property to the
property. That is, the moment that a new color appears at
, it also appears at color
. Because it is a one way
binding, the reverse is not true. A new Color can appear at color
but the colorValue
property will remain the same.
rBinding: Ember.Binding.oneWay('color.r')
Going the other way, this declaration causes the r
value of the color
to flow into the r
property of the RGBColor object. Again, this is a
one way binding, so values will not flow the other way. In fact, they
couldn't flow the other way even if they wanted to because color.r
is immutable.
and bBinding
act in a similar fashion to
on their respective properties
Does this seem all a bit meta-circular to you? It might, and if it does, that's because it is.
What we've done here construct a bi-directional data flow by composing uni-directional data flows, such that values can travel from one end of the object to the other and back again. They can enter at any of the public binding points, but once inside, they naturally diffuse around the entire object.
It is from this cycle that "two-way" bindings are constructed. I put "two-way" in scare quotes because if you decompose it, you find that, like all two way bindings, it's just a set of one-way bindings that form a feedback loop.
This is an important point to grasp (and one that critics of two-way binding rarely address). While publicly a value may be bound two ways, it can proceed internally through an arbitrarily complex apparatus of splits, merges, and transformation on its journey from point A to B and back again. Mastering both legs of the trip is key to mastering the reactive model.
Why understanding this is crucial to UX
Your job is to create fluid, reactive experiences for your users so that they can delight in both learning and using your systems. But sometimes doing so can be very difficult. Have you ever tried to build a date input that parses free-form text? Or how about a credit card input that continually reformats and self-validates? Have you ever had to manage by hand multiple lists derived from the same source list and make sure they remain in sync?
Luckily, there are a lot of tools available today that, using the techniques I've described, can transform tasks like these from annoying and painful to fun and easy. They let you stop thinking about the mechanics of how values propagate from one area of your application to another and instead focus on the paths that they travel to get there.
If you work with a toolset that already supports these reactive modelling primitives, then try to push the envelope of what you can achieve simply by composing simple data flows. Otherwise, if you've never created your own reactive models, what are you waiting for? give it a try! Go Download Ember and play with computed properties and two-way bindings. Not only will understanding them make you a better developer with a bigger bag of tricks, but you'll build interfaces that, like the mouse, give users a direct tactile connection with your application.