Simplified local development and testing with Auth0 simulation

Paul Cowan
January 13, 2022

Auth0 is an excellent service that lets you focus on your app instead of trying to stay up to date with the latest safe and secure authentication practices. However, what’s not so great is having to use Auth0 as part of your local development process or within end-to-end tests.
Recently I had a tough time using Auth0 while running tests that required authentication in a continuous integration environment with no access to the internet. The issue emerged because adding logical branches to my code targeting specific environments and stubbing functions at the test level leaves room for undesired effects.
There are many ways you can address the issue, but most of them are a disaster. Probably the most naïve solution is to write conditionals that check which environment the code is currently running against. Consider this example:
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
} else {
username: email,
// etc.
This kind of conditional forks your app by environment, leading to bugs escaping into production because developers and tests don't really assess the same app that ends up being deployed but a version catered for them only.
Unfortunately mocking or stubbing calls to Auth0 in a unit or end-to-end test never ends well either. It usually leads to an explosion of mocking code that you must maintain through every change. It may start small, as in the following snippet:
const mockConfig = (config) => {
() => ({
domain: '',
clientId: '123',
{ virtual: true }
But further down the line, you'll find yourself writing mock JSON web tokens (JWTs) and specifying key algorithms, which means wasting precious development time. Before you know it, token checking code has crept into the tests (and who wants to maintain test helpers like this?):
export const verifyAuth0Token = async (token) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
jwt.verify(token, getKey, { algorithms: ['RS256'] }, (err, decoded) => {
if (err) {
Packages like mock-jwks help, but it’s still code that needs to be maintained, and as we all know, the less code we write, the fewer problems we have.
At last, we arrive at what seems to be the most popular solution but which is arguably the worst: to create phoney Auth0 accounts in multiple environments, as documented in this post. This is needless overhead. You'll have to keep all these environments or tenants in sync, and it does not cure the problem of running end-to-end tests behind a firewall with no internet.
Another downside of this approach is that all tests that use a particular phoney account will share state in different tests. Auth0 tenants are not scalable, which means we'd be moving headfirst into a maintainability nightmare.
However, the unworkable “solutions” presented above also point to the principle that will guide our workable one: namely that we should always strive to have the same code running in every environment. The only difference should be the configuration. For example, in production we might have this auth0 configuration:
"domain": "",
"clientId": "PMkiueyWaFdfsbAKXrIpVPmyBTFs4g5iq",
"audience": "",
// etc.
And in non-production environments it might look like this:
"domain": "localhost:4400",
"clientId": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
"audience": "https://your-audience/"
// etc.
The only discernable difference is the domain
field, which points to a localhost when running in non-production environments (such as your very own laptop or maybe even in a continuous integration environment (CI) that does not have access to the internet).
Imagine your very own Auth0 server running locally to configure specific scenarios while developing or running tests. What if we called it “auth0 simulator” and allowed you to create fake data without cluttering up your existing codebase?
Auth0 simulator
As chance would have it, such a beast exists as part of the simulacrum suite of tools, created to help simulate complex external bounded contexts such as LDAP or Auth0.
The @simulacrum/auth0-simulator package is your very own Auth0 simulator that eliminates the need to log into Auth0 while developing in a non-production environment. It is enormously helpful in local development and end-to-end testing – and even features ready-to-use integrations with Cypress!
Start your engines
To use it you'll first need to set up a simulation. You can either create your simulation using a GraphQL interface or through the @simulacrum/client
JavaScript package:
async function setupClient({ url }) {
let client = createClient(url);
let simulation = await client.createSimulation('auth0', {
options: {
audience: 'https://your-audience/',
scope: 'openid profile email offline_access',
services: {
auth0: {
port: 4400, // port for the auth0 service itself
console.log(`auth0 service running at ${[0].url}`);
let person = await client.given(simulation, 'person');
`username = ${} password = ${}`
Fake users are created through client.given
with random values assigned by default. You can also supply the values if you want:
let person = yield client.given(simulation, 'person', {
email: '',
Local Development
The goal of @simulacrum/auth0-simulator
is to behave just like the real Auth0 server does. That means that libraries like @auth0/auth0-react
should not notice any difference so that you can keep using your regular code and expect it to work without any adjustment when you switch to the real deal. The following snippet would work just as well using the Auth0 simulator and the production environment.
import { useAuth0 } from "@auth0/auth0-react";
const LoginButton = () => {
const { loginWithRedirect } = useAuth0();
return <button onClick={() => loginWithRedirect()}>Log In</button>;
Having to redirect to login pages and enter user input when executing unit tests or end-to-end tests would be untenable. What’s especially useful about @simulacrum/auth0-simulator
is that it makes local simulation instances available to test environments for end-to-end and unit tests without trips to Auth0.
End-to-end testing with Cypress
Simulacrum has a @simulacrum/auth0-cypress package that can silently get an authentication token from the Auth0 simulator often required to run end-to-end tests. In the following example, we'll create an Auth0 simulation instance within a test, enabling the app to run under the config we wish:
import type { Client, Scenario, Simulation } from '@simulacrum/client';
import { createClient } from '@simulacrum/client';
import auth0Config from '../../cypress.env.json';
describe('log in', () => {
it('should get token without signing in', () => {
.contains('Log out')
email: ''
.contains('Log out')
Unit tests
At present, the Auth0 simulator has no official helper for obtaining an access token from the simulation server. But most javascript Auth0 SDKs have helpers for a client login that you can abstract into a helper function and use in conjunction with @simulacrum/auth0-simulator
in unit tests.
For instance, if you're using @auth0/auth0-spa-js
, you could use getTokenSilently
to obtain tokens:
import configJson from "../../src/auth_config.json";
import { Auth0Client } from '@auth0/auth0-spa-js';
const auth0Client = new Auth0Client({
audience: configJson.audience,
client_id: configJson.clientId,
connection: 'Username-Password-Authentication',
domain: configJson.domain,
scope: 'openid profile email',
cacheLocation: 'localstorage',
useRefreshTokens: true
async function silentLogin({ currentUser }: {currentUser: string}) {
await auth0Client.getTokenSilently({ currentUser });
or you could use loginWithDefaultDirectory
if you're using 'auth0-js'.
Our Auth0 simulator @simulacrum/auth0-simulator
makes Auth0’s “pain points” disappear by allowing developers to work locally and test their apps—without introducing fragmentation into their codebase, having to write cumbersome mocking code, or dealing with Auth0 accounts for different environments.
If you are using Auth0 then you really should give here a spin.
Feel free join our Discord community, or contact us, for questions or help to get started!