Is graybox testing a myth?

Charles Lowell
February 4, 2025
Have you ever heard the idea that “graybox testing is just blend of whitebox testing and blackbox testing” before? The claim is usually accompanied by some variation of this pat graphic.
The term “graybox” sounds nice on the surface as a balance of tradeoffs between blackbox and whitebox, but more often than not, the attempt to actually construct one results in what I call the Frankenbox, an ad-hoc mixing of abstraction layers that creates more issues than it solves. It matters because test suites built on top of frankenboxes are constantly breaking, reporting false negatives, and eventually getting disabled as software teams lose faith in them.
A brief recap: blackbox vs whitebox testing
We say that a test is “blackbox” test if it requires zero knowledge of how the system it is testing actually works. When we write one, we force ourselves to treat the system as a completely opaque entity about which we can only learn things by sending it inputs and observing the resulting outputs.
This is a great model for testing software because it lines up perfectly with the way software is used. Whether it is a library of functions, or it is a full blown REST application, the callers of a software system must, by definition, interact with it exclusively as a black box. There is simply no better way to verify correctness of behavior than by enforcing that each test should conduct itself as a real life caller would.
While the blackbox test might represent the platonic ideal of what a test should be, how exactly to we go about making one? For example, in an end-to-end test, what happens if you need to create a new user before every run? You might have to use a private API. And what if after that user is created, the test needs to wait for an unknown time for that user to become available because you’re using micro services and your state is only eventually consistent? Or even more simply, what if the only way to find the “Submit” button is by knowing a very specific CSS selector or a test id?
To do these things, your only option is to pierce the veil of abstraction and allow the test to have specific knowledge of the system so that it can manipulate it directly from the inside. We call tests like these “whitebox” tests because to them, the system under test is transparent; they can see through the public facing API in order to read and manipulate the underlying internals.
Whitebox tests provide one answer to the challenges of a blackbox test… If we need to connect directly to Postgres, we can. If we need to use a CSS class or a test id, we do. Whatever state we need to read in order to complete our test is all there right in front of us.
But whitebox tests are problematic too because they are coupled to the internals of a system and not its public facing API. As a result, you cannot change the implementation of your system without breaking your whitebox tests. Switching from MySQL to Postgres? Break. Moving from AWS to Azure for bucket storage? Break. Did you just restyle your custom button component to change the markup and CSS? Broken again.
Worst of all: a whitebox test doesn’t actually verify that your system works because it’s using levers and knobs that simply don’t exist for your users.
Graybox Testing: the myth of a perfect blend
As a result, the consensus is that blackbox testing is what you want to do for the sake of correctness, but whitebox testing is what you have to for the sake of practicality. That brings us back to the hypothetical “graybox”; a hybrid approach that uses blackbox wherever it can, but resorts to whitebox whenever it must.
This seems plausible at first because we’re using elements from both techniques and “mixing” them together. But ultimately the concept is misleading. What makes the blackbox and whitebox formulation compelling is that they provide guidance about where the boundaries should be drawn in your tests. “Graybox” on the other hand, completely erases the concept of boundaries which made the original analogies useful in the first place.
In the real world, you have to make real decisions about where to draw the line between which private APIs you are going to use, and which ones you won’t, and so in actuality, the “graybox” is not a smooth blending of black and white boxes, but rather a set of private API carve-outs that are cobbled together according to the needs of the current moment. In other words: a frankenbox.
Frankenboxes don’t scale because they create invisible bonds coupling tests to an implementation. These bonds are hidden from developers, so they are constantly severing them unknowingly as they change and evolve the system. And if breakage occur often enough, the team will lose faith in the test suite and begin to ignore the failures it surfaces rather than investigate them. Your tests are now a millstone around your neck instead of the force multiplier they were supposed to be.
Compound this problem across all the unique Frankenboxes each development team creates for its own tests, and it’s no wonder that so many test suites crash and burn.
Page Objects: A case study in (suboptimal) mitigation
While not universal, there is some prior art out there that can shield you from creating a frankenbox test. In the frontend testing space, we commonly use a pattern called the *Page Object.* According to Fowler:
When you write tests against a web page, you need to refer to elements within that web page in order to click links and determine what's displayed. However, if you write tests that manipulate the HTML elements directly your tests will be brittle to changes in the UI. A page object wraps an HTML page, or fragment, with an application-specific API, allowing you to manipulate page elements without digging around in the HTML.
In other words, page objects explicitly limit your exposure to the details of a system’s internals in order to make your tests robust in the face of change. While page object libraries have not kept up with the sophistication required of the applications we write today, they do provide a very important clue regarding the way forward.
Interactors are explicitly organized blackboxes and whiteboxes.
You cannot avoid exposing some of your system internals to your tests. However, what countermeasures like page objects show us is that what you can do is be up-front about which internals you expose by encapsulating them within a dedicated and stable API. At Frontside, we do this with a universal pattern we call The Interactor.
There is no restriction on what an interactor can interact with: the UI, the backend, or even a third party service, but at its core, an interactor is an API split into two halves: a blackbox and a whitebox. The whitebox side of the interactor is allowed to have complete knowledge of a slice of the system, while the blackbox side presents a stable API that the tests can rely on to function regardless of how the internal details change. In other words, each interactor is a minimal whitebox packaged within a black box.
Interactors provide two key advantages. First, unlike with the frankenbox, tests that use them are insulated from breaking changes because they do not use any implementation details of the system. Instead, they only use the public interface of the interactor, which is a blackbox. Second, and this cannot be understated, interactors are re-usable software components in their own right. They can be distributed independently and be used by any test suite to turn its frankenbox into a well-ordered composition of black and white boxes. You really start to reap the benefits when three or more of your teams each stop building their own unique frankenboxes and start using a shared set of battle-tested interactors that let them focus on writing tests rather than wasting time maintaining them.
In a future post, we’ll discuss how to divide labor and responsibilities for interactor based tests between your QA team, your developers, and your engineering managers, but the most important take away from our experience is this:
Interactors make test suites successful
Whether you are using them for your UI, your backend, a third party service, or something else entirely, interactors make your tests easier to write for all your teams, and at the same time it makes them more resilient to change as your software evolves. Stop creating frankenboxes, start using interactors. You’ll be glad you did.