Faker Integration

Faker.js has most of the custom generations you'll ever need

You will rarely write your own custom generators for two reasons. The first is that it is tedious, and the second is that most of them have already been written, and furthermore, are being actively maintained by open source communities.

Faker is a very complete, very mature, and very well maintained generator of mock data which can be easily slotted into the role of generating the field data for your graph.

There is not currently an off the shelf library to do this for you, but this recipe is easy to follow and will have you generating "massive amounts of fake data" in no time.

First we will collect all of the generation methods in the entire Faker library as and put them under the @faker/ namespace, and second, we'll make a very common list of patterns for accessing those methods. Here's our faker generator:

import { faker as globalFaker, Faker } from "@faker-js/faker";
import { createDispatch } from "@frontside/graphgen";

const methods = Object.entries(globalFaker).reduce((methods, [name, mod]) => {
  if (mod) {
    for (const [fn, value] of Object.entries(mod)) {
      if (typeof value === "function") {
        methods[`@faker/${name}.${fn}`] = (faker, args) => {
          return faker[name][fn](...args);
  return methods;
}, {});

export const fakergen = createDispatch({
  patterns: {
    "*.firstName": "@faker/name.firstName",
    "*.lastName": "@faker/name.lastName",
    "*.name": "@faker/name.fullName",
    "*.avatar": "@faker/internet.avatar",
    "*.avatarUrl": "@faker/internet.avatar",
    "*.password": "@faker/internet.password",
  context({ seed }) {
    let faker = new Faker({ locales: globalFaker.locales });
    faker.seed(seed() * 1000);
    return faker;

We can now use fakergen as a generator inside a call to createGraphGen()