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There are a few options for adapting interactors to your needs.


Like we've seen, interactors wait for a set amount of time until they either succceed, or the timeout is increased. The default timeout is 1900ms. You can change this timeout like this:

import { setInteractorTimeout } from '@interactors/html';

setInteractorTimeout(5000) // increase to five seconds


Interactors operate on a document, normally this is the global document which is exposed via the window.document global property. However in some cases, you might want to use a different document. For example you might want to use the document object of another frame, or the document property of a jsdom environment. If you need to change the document, you can use setDocumentResolver like this:

import { setDocumentResolver } from '@interactors/html';
import { JSDOM } from "jsdom";

let jsdom = new JSDOM(`<!doctype html><html><body>${html}</body></html>`, { runScripts: "dangerously" });

setDocumentResolver(() => jsdom.window.document);


Interactors provide an introspection API, which allows you to wrap instrumentation around your actions and assertions. You can use it like this:

import { wrapAction } from '@interactors/html';

wrapAction(async (description, action, type) => {
let startTime =;
await action;
console.log(`${type} ${description} took ${ - startTime)}ms`);