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Adding actions

We have already seen actions on other interactors, let's see how we can define our own.

Basically, actions are just async functions which take the interactor as an argument. Let's define an action on our datepicker which fills in the text field:

import { HTML } from '@interactors/html';

const DatePicker = HTML.extend('datepicker')
async fillIn(datePicker, value) {
await datePicker.find(TextField()).fillIn(value);

Normally you will want to compose actions out of other actions. The HTML interactors provide most of the interactions you need to interact with most web applications. However, let's look at how we could use perform to implement a custom action which works with elements directly:

import { HTML } from '@interactors/html';

const DatePicker = HTML.extend('datepicker')
async submit(interactor) {
await interactor.closest('form').submit();

Having to use perform might indicate that the accessibility of your application can be improved. An accessible application is also usually easier to test. ::